Icinga2 Forwarder

npm i @sakuli/forwarder-icinga2

Enable the Icinga2 API

All steps required to enable the Icinga2 API are described in the REST API documentation.

Create a Icinga2 service

Create a check_command which will only be executed if Icinga2 did not receive a Sakuli result within a certain time. This ensures that you get a notification even if no passive check result reaches Icinga2 at all:


object CheckCommand "check_dummy" {
   import "plugin-check-command"
   command = [
     PluginDir + "/check_dummy","$dummy_state$","$dummy_text$"
   vars.dummy_state = 0
   vars.dummy_text = "Check was successful."

object CheckCommand "check_sakuli" {
   import "check_dummy"
   vars.dummy_state = 3
   vars.dummy_text = "No passive Sakuli check result received."


object Host "sakuliclient01" {
   import "generic-host"
   address = "<IP>"

Create the following service object for the first testcase. The freshness_threshold should be slightly higher than the interval Sakuli tests are planned.

object Service "sakuli_demo" {
  import "generic-service"
  host_name = "sakuliclient01"
  check_command = "check_sakuli"
  enable_active_checks = 0
  enable_passive_checks = 1
  enable_flapping = 0
  volatile = 1
  enable_perfdata = 1

Reload Icinga2:

service icinga2 reload

After opening Icingaweb2 you should see the Sakuli host with the service “sakuli_demo” attached.

The check is waiting now for check results from a Sakuli client.

Sakuli Client Configuration

You must set the global properties for the Icinga2 receiver on the Sakuli client by editing the sakuli.properties. You can find them in the folder containing the testsuites:

Property Default Effect
sakuli.forwarder.icinga2.enabled false Enables result forwarding to Icinga2
sakuli.forwarder.icinga2.api.host The hostname or IP of the Icinga2 API-endpoints
sakuli.forwarder.icinga2.api.port 5665 The port or IP of the Icinga2 API-endpoints
sakuli.forwarder.icinga2.api.username API user name
sakuli.forwarder.icinga2.api.password API user password
sakuli.forwarder.icinga2.hostname The name of the host object configured in Icinga2
sakuli.forwarder.icinga2.service_description ${testsuite.id} The name of the service in Icinga2
sakuli.forwarder.icinga2.allow_insecure_connection false Disable SSL checks. Never use this in production environments!